h*man beings
hate ch*tting
hate ex*stence
i am going to:
smear my shit on the walls
piss on ur carpet
slash my ankles and bleed all over you're mothers's nice china
defecate on your beliefs (redundant)
sneeze on your soap and peroxide containers
clean my nails on all the corners in your apartment
drain my sewage directly to your kitchen sink
burn my face off and close all the windows so your apartment reeks
carve poems about acid and dung into your walls
dump a vat of acid on your bed
deep fry your computer in human grease
bomb all the buildings next to yours but not yours
remind you that you should not be alive
record myself reminding you that you should not be alive and install speakers in your room repeating the recording ad nauseam
bring a blackboard into your room and scrape the oldest shittiest chalk there is on it, all day long
cut the cables to all your headphones
lock the door and stick the key up a distant relative's ass
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