you may often think of events as a complex chain of causes and effects orchestrated by a pervasive Them but this may be reductive. by playing into the paranoid structures, the idea that A leads to B and is derived from C and has complex interactions with D and whatever else, and thus that everything is "orchestrated", that everything follows a certain logical narrative, you give into Their plans to entrap you in the mire of plots, subplots, counterplots, and narrativized experience as a whole. you may think of your life as a narrative with leitmotifs and signs from god or some other cosmic trickster like Them but this is false. notice your synchronicities as they come and go and your signs and give them what meaning you will but they are simply falsehoods projected onto flat and discrete phenomena. you may be led to the natural conclusion that the world is a complex chaotic system of A leads to B to C as reason and the hard sciences would suggest but the world is too compact and meaning too dilute for you to understand any of this, your experience is flawed and approximate. although you may lead yourself to believe that the world is that complex physical system in some sort of deep remote crystalline truth, this truth is and will always be unattainable; your world is one of shadows and reflections and cave allegories stacked on cave allegories. the idea of the complex system leads to the idea of orchestration because you, the paranoiac, ascribe to the system a set of wills and independent actors seeking to push and pull subtly in remote corners of existence and butterfly effect you into oblivion. thus narratives are created, you see a product and expect that there is a cause, you theorize a cause and expect that an actor is pulling the strings. if They really are out there, trying to control your existence in imperceptible ways, they could not hold such power and mastery over existence itself and its minutia. They only know to manipulate the very anthropic narratives that are the true nature of our existence, rather than the hard physical realities you held so dear to your idea of the truth. the most common tool assigned to a theoretical Them to control the masses is the media, that which controls the public narratives. however, we know the media to be its own complex system of indpendent actors acting upon their spaces to form one chaotic whole. thus, this is the realm in which They are doing the pushing and pulling, the subtle maneuvering, but that should not give you any feeling of relative safety should you abstain from media. this is only one of the ways in which the narrative is controlled, since the media is only one remote part of your narrative. They have gamed your narrative, and therefore gamed your existence. you exist only within a set of reasoned, paranoid assumptions, your sense of self is tied to still frames across time blended together very much like a film, spanning long periods rather than 24 frames per second. you live out sparsely interconnected episodes, loosely tied together by those very leitmotifs which you project onto them, by a few distinct commonalities which are the very essence of your own "self". thus your life is something like a very long running sitcom, a set of dream-like vignettes, and naturally there follows the assumption that a film stage, a camera crew, an audience, must exist. They are the director, the screenwriter. They set up the narratives. if you wish for freedom, if you wish for peace, you must seek only to escape narrativization.